Women's Empowerment

Women’s Empowerment and Community Volunteering in Pakistan

Participate in women empowerment and community volunteering in Pakistan to start understanding the challenges facing women and help bring about change. In rural and disadvantaged communities of Pakistan, the mistreatment of women is higher.

There is a negative standpoint on having female children, as male heirs are considered to be superior.

This is an issue that is not easy to change, but through women’s empowerment initiatives, women can expand their horizons within and beyond their communities to give them access to better futures.

The project focuses on educational and confidence-building activities such as group discussions, English and math teaching.

By becoming a women’s empowerment volunteer in this male-dominated country, you can make a difference to the future of many women and girls, as well as gain insight into issues facing women globally.

The mistreatment of women in Pakistan remains a huge problem and your help is needed to expand local women’s worldview through education and support. Increasing women’s confidence and empowering them about their rights is a start towards equality within Pakistan society for this generation and the ones to come. You will benefit by recognizing the freedom available to you in your own home country, as well as having an amazing experience to add to your CV/Resume.

Role of the volunteer

Volunteers are needed to help give women in local communities a sense of self-worth and empowerment. Activities include:

  • teaching basic English (especially conversational skills), math and budgeting lessons
  • running educational activities, creative workshops and vocational training promoting self-reliance
  • organizing recreational activities and computer skills sessions
  • teaching the women and girls about their fundamental rights as women

Volunteer duties will depend on your specific project placement, but most placements will focus on underprivileged women who are in need of extra support. Most of the women and girls perform their chores in the morning, then they are able to participate in project activities in the afternoons. Thus, you will combine your afternoon women’s empowerment placement with another project in the morning, depending on your skills and preferences. You will be expected to attend weekly volunteer meetings and to update project documents.